
A Digital Podcast for a Better Human Experience

As Black Sheep’s Digital Strategist, I am constantly immersed in the digital landscape. While I don’t want to throw my phone across the room as soon as I get home, I do appreciate some perspective.

Enter podcast, Note to Self. Host Manoush Zomorodi manages to both humanize technology as well as warn us of its perils, without sounding like she has a tin foil hat on.

What I find most inspiring about this podcast are the challenges Manoush launches about once year:

“Bored and Brilliant” (now a book) is about the art of zoning out (sans phone) for the sake of your creativity.

“Infomagical” helped KonMari our over-stimulated and overly distracted brains.

And finally, “The Privacy Paradox” (which having come out in January, was more timely than anticipated) helped listeners wrangle their personal information and digital identity.

Regarding the paradox part, this quote really made me stop and think:

“It’s also the term behavioral economists use to describe the disconnect between our feelings about digital privacy (we value it!) and how we act online (we give privacy away!).”

We’re all fairly outraged about what’s going on in the world of social media, but did we do some of this to ourselves, blindly clicking “accept” or taking random quizzes that are clearly harvesting data?

Beyond privacy, you could also argue there’s a disconnect between how we feel about focus and mindfulness (we crave it!) and how we use technology (distraction overload!).

Never fear, all is not lost. Take this nifty Privacy Personality quiz (I know, I know but I promise Russia won’t see), listen to what Manoush and other experts have to say about this and other tech quandaries and take back your humanity, one challenge at a time.

Dionella Martinez
