
A Little Bit of Mystery and a Dash of Strategery: Black Sheep Goes Ninja

At Black Sheep, our clients crave a healthy helping of our signature moves. This creative element can involve anything from adding a little bit of flair in the way we write website content to create a theatrical media event where dozens of people sporting presidential masks parachute onto Discovery Green (for President’s Day, of course).


Although our propositions may seem a little wack-a-doo at the outset, it’s amazing how, with strategic planning, knowledge of Houston geography and a little imagination, what often starts out as a bigger-than-life idea translates into a subtle and symbolic example of taking the Black Sheep philosophy to the streets.

We recently spent some time developing a couple of characters you might start noticing around Houston (You’ll have to watch carefully for them, they’re FAST.) – our very own Noodle Ninjas– dedicated to spreading brand awareness for the popular local restaurant development Jenni’s Noodle House. Already a purveyor of successful food spots, these ninjas were intended not only to boost foot traffic but also more fully-integrate the restaurant into the community.

With that mission, Black Sheep recruited two agile individuals educated in stage combat and committed to fighting evil at every turn who, disguised as black-swathed heroes, will be canvassing the Houston streets on a regular (though only when-you-least-expect-it) basis.

During their first appearance, people watched in awe as two identical, lithe ninjas broke their way into the modern world – poking walk signs with their plastic swords and hiding in doorways as they simultaneously swatted at their shadows and tried on clothes at Urban Outfitters. The result? Giggles, gasps and groups of teenage shoppers followed the Ninjas throughout Rice Village, mimicking their moves and – in the end – walked away with a story to tell and a treat for later.

See, the reward was twofold. The Ninjas entertained and committed to their characters, resulting in a pervasive air of mystery – and they did it while taking a strategic message front and center, a ninja business card redeemable for a prize at any of the restaurants. And, even more importantly, instead of making babies cry or storekeepers shriek in alarm at masked strangers invading their premises with swords, they struck the perfect balance of playful, authentic and meaningful – three attributes of a good stunt (and a good Black Sheep).

Our new ninjas are only one piece of the Jenni’s Noodle House campaign to take over the world. However, they represent an important and thoughtful step. One of our biggest goals for any business we work with is that they never slide towards a plateau, but are always on the path towards new markets or larger demographics or in the case of Jenni’s Noodle House bigger and better noodles. At the end of the day, be it beaver hijacking, giant piñata or some crafty lingo, it is important to never sit still – a sentiment we think our new ninjas would agree with.
