
Amelia Earhart: The Rebel With Wings

Amelia Earhart would have turned 117 years old if she were still alive today. By all accounts, the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic was the definition of a rebel. In the 1920s and 30s, when she was at the height of her flight career, Earhart broke through a glass ceiling that was thousands of feet in the air.

Those of us in PR and marketing can learn a thing or two from Lady Lindy. From advocating for what she believed in, showing extreme dedication and causing a stir, Earhart has inspired generations of people to go for the unknown.

Amelia knew when to stand up for something.

During her entire life, Earhart was a fierce advocate for women’s rights. She had to be. As a woman in a traditionally dominated male field, she had to fight for her right to practice what she loved. In her quest for equal rights, Earhart was a member of the National Women’s Party, supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment and was instrumental in starting The Ninety-Nines, a female pilot organization.

The best way to reach your audience? Advocate, stand up and take don’t be afraid to choose a side.

Amelia didn’t settle.

Earhart’s path didn’t start on airplanes zipping across the sky. She was a nurse’s aide during WWI, studied mechanics, learned to play the banjo and studied medical studies at Columbia University. But it was one flight in 1920 that changed her path forever. It was then that she did a complete 360 and chose flight as a not only a career, but a lifestyle.

Just like Earhart’s journey, we must always be rethinking and reevaluating our path. And most importantly, not be afraid to take flight when it calls us.

Amelia got people talking.

Causing a scene was kind of her thing. She was a woman of firsts and a pioneer in the public spotlight. She hung out with presidents, went on lecture tours and used her position as associate editor of Cosmopolitan to advocate for aviation. You could call her mysterious disappearance over the Pacific Ocean her final act of making a mark on the public — year’s later, people are still theorizing and speculating about Earhart.

Amelia inspired others.

What we strive to do every day in marketing and public relations is inspire others. Inspire them to take action, to talk about an issue or think about something in a different way. Earhart was a master at this. Without the help of television or social media, she inspired a generation to dream beyond what is possible. Today, young people still look to her as a hero, and most importantly, an unapologetic rebel.

So, what was Amelia’s recipe for rebel-hood? By standing up for what she believed in, she reached her core audience and helped earn her rightful place in history; By not playing it safe and doing what she loved, she charted a path that lead to her future success; By causing a scene, she made herself forever memorable; And by inspiring others, she became a hero.
