
The Art of Appreciation

I hate to talk about this because I feel like it’s all I can talk about these days, but my husband and I are expecting our first child in October. As we’ve geared up to take on a new stage in our lives, we’ve been surrounded by enormous support and help. Help that might not always get the proper “thank you” it deserves. 

You’d think showing appreciation would be the easiest thing we could do, but in the middle of prepping a nursery, demolishing old floors to make way for new, taking infant care classes and then also just living our normal lives, it’s actually easier to forget a simple, appreciative gesture.

The feeling that I’m not telling enough people thank you is strong right now, especially at work as they prepare to work without me. It reminded me of an article I bookmarked a long time ago from Inc. The author noted, “True appreciation is not only recognizing someone’s excellent efforts and contribution. The term actually means ‘to recognize and enjoy’ a person’s value or good qualities. It means showing respect and understanding as well as gratitude. Business thrives on appreciation.”

The author is right, and he’s also right that these tips are simple. But their effects are often magnified. Here are some of my favorites.

Write It By Hand
At Black Sheep, we’ve got stacks on stacks of stationary to do just that. My favorite part of every week is getting to sit down for 5 minutes and think of at least one person I could send a nice note too.

Celebrate the Milestones
Birthdays are easy. But remembering someone mentioned their anniversary is coming up or that they’re closing on their house next week goes a long way.

Give It Back / Clean It Up
Talk about simple: Don’t let your coworkers be the victims of The Case of the Disappearing Scissors or The One Where the Dishes were Piled in the Sink.

And one tip that the author didn’t include?

Put Confetti On It

Want someone to smile from ear to ear? Keep a container of confetti on your desk and sprinkle it over them when something big (or small) happens. Instant Snapchat video gold.

Jess Craft
