
Black Sheep Parents Explain it ALL

In honor of those who changed our diapers, drove us to rehearsals, fed us, clothed us and made sure we turned out like decent human beings — we wanted to give them a chance to say a few words.

When you are in the world of marketing, branding or public relations, it can be tough to explain to people  just exactly what you do all day. Between writing press releases, meeting with clients, designing collateral, social media and a whole mess of other responsibilities, it can get kind of confusing.

We thought it would be fun to see what our dear old parents had to think about what we do at Black Sheep. The responses were, as you could guess, HILARIOUS. Here are some (very condensed) answers from our parents to the question: “So, your kid works at Black Sheep. What is their typical day?”

Jessica Craft

“A Day in the Life of a PR Queen”



More Coffee

Prospective Client Meeting


Office Pow-Wow


Proof Media Copy

More Coffee

Client Lunch


Total Stress Meltdown

More Coffee


Client Conference Call

Media Copy Approval


Prospective Client Signed!

Office Party!

“I love my job!”

Monica Danna

Your title at Black Sheep Agency is Chief Strategy Officer (whatever the hell that is.) I can not imagine what you do all day, but I know you are a social mover and shaker. I think your new job uses your best gifts on a daily basis. You are a people person, so you use the following skills to manage the office: good listening skills, compassion, insight, planning, organizing, goal setting, event planning and execution. Dad says to tell you he thinks you communicate via the internet with customers. (Can you tell a lot of thought went into that one!) Whatever you do and wherever you work, you always put your whole heart into it!

Emily Van Keppel

Our daughter has the best job in the world! She gets to wake up have her coffee in bed each morning, and then goes to an office and is greeted by an adorable “house cat.” For the most part, we think she just reads the Daily Mail and other blogs because she is always in the know about the latest news headlines, and always is drawn to the most bizarre human-interest stories (but she tells us that is how she gets new ideas.) She helps people better promote their goods and services, I think. She always says: “I do not what to talk about it. You wouldn’t understand anyways, Dad.”

All I know is that she lives a life full of strange occurrences, so her job is very fitting to her real life. Maybe she feeds the ducks all day and has us all fooled.

Christine Nguyen

What do you do? How should I know what you do all day? I thought you were studying journalism, and now you’re doing PR? I don’t know what that is. Are you sure you can find a job after college? I don’t want you moving back in with me. You should study to become a dentist. Dentists make lots of money and they don’t have to work on Tuesdays.

Cody Permenter

Our son, the PR Account Executive, or so he says! Does he ever sit at a desk and type away on his computer? Not sure. We hear of what all he did on 6th street in Austin for a week — PR business, of course! We see these photos of him wearing weird hats and necklaces while holding pom-poms! And videos of him doing crazy hand gestures with a glass. The power brainstorming breakfasts and lunches, the road trips, OH, and the champagne Fridays! WHO does that? I guess The flocking BLACK SHEEP AGENCY does that! My son, The BLACK SHEEP!

Jo Layne

Jo Layne has been an artist practically since she was born, and I call her the Logo Queen! People were always impressed with what she could draw, so I find it no surprise that she is now designing beautiful ad campaigns for the Black Sheep Agency. I know that one thing she loves about working at Black Sheep is that she is allowed room to fully engage her creative side rather than being stifled and smothered, and she is encouraged to grow as an artist. I’m thinking about going back to school and getting my degree in graphic design in the hopes that someday I could get a job at Black Sheep!

Adam Smith

Make Paper Airplanes

Collaboration with clients, family and friends

Play Ping Pong


Volunteer Services

Trash Can Basketball

Tons of Presentation

Lauren Tennet

The one thing I know Lauren does at work is spend many hours there. Sometimes it seems 24-hours a day. Lauren is a diva at planning, scheduling and knowing her city — Houston. She is a perfect person to represent Houston as she spends her time as an ambassador, bringing an influx of information to the millions of people who’ve lived in Houston for years and know nothing of “what’s happening” now in the city. Lauren has the drive to move Houston into the age of “you should know.”

Aimee Woodall

This is hard.

Aimee spends most of her time planning parties. Her calendar is full of social events. This party atmosphere has led to great success.
