
Better Make Room For Tyrie, Kim and Ignacio

You might have seen a PSA (or three) released by Better Make Room this month. Powerful stuff, right? These student stories are compelling. These videos get right to the heart of what makes each student special and they make you want them to succeed.

Have no idea what we’re talking about? Catch up below.

Ell-o There!

You saw the PSAs, now meet one of our partners behind them. Ell Creative, a long-time friend of the flock, was the storytelling and production team that created the Better Make Room’s powerful PSAs. Working in both Houston and in LA, they were able to capture the stories of local students and catapult them onto a national stage—even having the first PSA screened in the East Room at the White House.

White House PSA video shoot

"When you have an opportunity to work with the White House and celebrity culture, it's so easy to get enthralled with the environment, but the beauty of this campaign and this team is that it's not about any of us.” said David Saxe, partner and co-founder of Ell. “It's about Kim, Tyrie and Ignacio, and we're sincerely honored to tell their stories."
