
Breaking Bread

Bread making was all the rage in mid-March.

Americans did it for the ‘gram. Posting mediocre attempts at baker quality crusts difficult to achieve in a home oven. So maybe the point wasn’t to create a James Beard award winning sourdough loaf but it did pass the time, we learned something and the insulin that raises the uptick of essential amino acid, tryptophan, in the brain helped promote calm and sleep. We likely needed it. More on tryptophan HERE. America bought the shit out of flour which created shortages and secret starter doughs were passed over suburban fences.

To help combat ‘stay at home’ orders the food world developed virtual at home cooking experiences as well as cocktail and wine tastings with cheese pairings. All valuable opportunities to keep restaurant team members employed and businesses above sea level.

I myself never want to see a boneless, skinless chicken breast again. I just don’t. My family has been cooking from home exclusively since mid-March due to the coronavirus outbreak. No work lunch outings, no cheeseburger Fridays (a Black Sheep tradition), no early Sunday afternoon fajitas. Just groceries delivered to our door. I joke but in the end my grief is actually privilege. I am fortunate my family has access and the ability to be comfortable during these truly uncomfortable and volatile times.  

COVID-19 hit richer cities first, but hits poorer people harder. The disease spread internationally through air travel to affluent cities but soon reached lower-income neighborhoods and rural communities. Beyond the direct impacts of infection and illness, much of the economic harm to low-income people has occurred in the food system through sudden simultaneous loss of service jobs and changes to nutrition assistance such as school meals, and overwhelming our food banks and SNAP programs.”

Most aid available has touched farmers and food consumers but not the actual food system workers who are typically most vulnerable. If workers do stay on the job they are more at risk of being exposed to disease. Don’t work and you don’t get paid. Despite health risks people need to keep food on the table. 

In addition to worrying about a job, people need to consider the food they eat. “In the past, consumption at home has generally been more nutritious than meals away from home, but that could change due to COVID if fruits and vegetables or other perishable foods are replaced with more shelf-stable packaged foods. One fact that has been thrown into sharp relief is the extent to which vulnerable populations rely on school meals and other feeding programs. Expanding these services as well as the (SNAP) and (WIC) to allow more home delivery of healthier foods could play a big role in sustaining health.” Diet quality is also as important as access. Access should not not be a privilege. 

So while we hunker down practice your bread making and continue to support our local restaurants and bars. Also consider checking in with local food system support. Houston Food Bank and Kids’ Meals are doing great work to combat local food insecurities. 

Adam Smith
