Bystander Intervention: The 5 Ds as Tools for Social Justice
Why standing up in the moment matters
In our modern social landscape of distrust and division, incidents of public harassment have become increasingly frequent. Whether it’s verbal abuse, sexual harassment, physical violence or other forms of dangerous disrespect, even just witnessing these events can leave you feeling off-guard and unsure of what role you should play.
You may have heard of the bystander effect in a PSYCH 101 class: the psychological phenomenon where individuals do not offer help to a victim when others are present. But let’s focus on how bystanders can take action and show up for others in the heat of the moment (and afterward) through bystander intervention.
Bystanding vs Upstanding
It can feel overwhelming when we encounter violence or harassment in the real world or online, but entering into daily life with a determination to be an “upstander” who recognizes injustice and is ready to confront it is a great way to prime yourself for those unexpected moments of discrimination or violence. That leads us to two important definitions:
- Bystanding is the passive act of observing or witnessing an incident, often involving discrimination or violence, without direct involvement.
- Upstanding represents active intervention, where an individual interrupts a harmful or discriminatory situation through active, direct or indirect action to stop or mitigate a problematic behavior.
How Does Your Identity Impact Your Ability to Mitigate Conflict?
Being an upstander doesn’t mean that you are constantly ready for a violent physical intervention; it means understanding how your identity and power can influence behaviors in different scenarios and being ready to use that power for good.
Who you are and where you are in the world matters and shapes when and how you are able to intervene. Each of us walks the planet with a complex web of identities that shape our access and barriers to support and our own personal ability to stay safe, even as we want others to be safe too.
No matter who you are, you can be a force for good - even one seemingly small choice can make a meaningful difference in encouraging positive behaviors, holding others accountable and making even just one single person feel seen and safer. Let’s explore what those intervention opportunities might look like.
The 5 Ds of Bystander Intervention
The 5 Ds model - originally created in 2012 by Green Dot and Right to Be (formerly Hollaback!) - provides a structured, pragmatic approach for those who wish to help in instances of harassment:
Distract - This tactic aims to momentarily shift the harasser's focus to create a window of opportunity for the targeted person to disengage. Distraction seeks to interrupt the incident in a non-confrontational way, without directly challenging the harasser. This approach prioritizes the safety of the individual at risk by providing them a chance to exit the situation.
For example: If you witness someone being harassed on public transport, you might drop a bag or start a loud conversation with a friend nearby. The sudden interruption could divert the harasser's attention, allowing the victim to move away. “Hey, do you know what time it is? Oh my gosh, you look so familiar. You okay, sis?”
Delegate - Delegating is the act of seeking assistance from relevant authorities or individuals who may be better positioned to intervene. This method allows for shared responsibility among bystanders and also ensures that the situation is managed by those with the expertise or authority to do so.
For example: If you see someone being harassed in a store, you could speak with a security guard or store manager to address the issue effectively. “Are you hearing what I’m hearing? I can’t be the only one who thinks this isn’t right.”
Document - Documenting involves capturing evidence of the incident (via video, audio recording or photos) to be used later for reporting or legal action. It is crucial to ensure that you have the consent of the victim before sharing any materials captured.
For example: You could discreetly record a video of the incident, which can be crucial evidence if the victim decides to report the harasser.
Delay - Delay means offering support to the victim after the incident has concluded. This could involve checking on their well-being or aiding them in reporting the incident.
For example: Once the harasser has left the area, approach the victim to see if they are okay or need assistance in contacting authorities. “Can I walk you somewhere? I’m so sorry that happened to you. What do you need?”
Direct - A direct intervention involves confronting the harasser and explicitly naming their behavior as unacceptable. This approach should be exercised cautiously and with an assessment of the risks involved. Don’t engage in debate, this is how situations escalate.
For example: If a friend is making inappropriate comments or jokes, you could directly say, "That's not okay. Please stop." If a stranger is disrespecting another stranger you could say, “Leave them alone. What you’re saying is homophobic, racist, etc.”
The triple impact of bystander intervention
Any intervention you take is not just a momentary act; it's a catalyst for cultural change, shifting from passive observation to proactive support for victims of harassment or aggression. Here are a few ways that intervening matters:
- Prevent Harm: Bystander intervention can help prevent immediate harm and promote a safer environment for marginalized communities, such as LGBTQ+ individuals or those targeted by racism, xenophobia or Islamophobia.
- Support Victims: Intervening as a bystander shows support to those facing discrimination in a particularly poignant moment. Stepping up can empower victims, reduce their feelings of isolation and demonstrate that they are not alone in the fight against discrimination.
- Challenge Bias: Bystander intervention challenges biased behaviors and attitudes. By speaking up, you can help change societal norms and raise awareness of prejudice and harassment that’s happening in your neighborhood.
Empowering and caring for each other
We all could use some more tools in our toolbox when it comes to caring for each other. Bystander intervention is one of those vital tools to help combat discrimination and promote social justice.
Through intervention, we can help create a more inclusive and equitable society by addressing unacceptable social issues as they arise while reminding our friends and neighbors that they are valued and worthy of dignity and respect.
You can find more bystander intervention resources and sign up for training here:
- Right To Be (formerly Hollaback!):
- APA Bystander Tip Sheet:
- RAINN’s Bystander Intervention tips: