Celebrating Dos Anos: Time Marches On to the Beat of a Different Drum
It’s our birthday, folks, and you better watch out because we’ve hit the terrible twos. In the coming year, you can expect more mischief in the form of bigger, badder, bolder public relations, experiential marketing and social media strategies.
Since our inception, we’ve grown wiser and more sure-footed, and it’s pretty amazing to think about how far we’ve come since 2009. Our tiny team of two has more than doubled, and our client roster has followed suit. We’ve been able to gather the social media community through five (going on six) Social Media Shin-Digs, been honored to work on inspiring local events like TEDx Houston, Houston @SxSW and Twestival, and we’ve challenged our own ideas and comfort levels – which isn’t always easy.
But, as with any great milestone, even bigger changes are upon us.
In terms of what lies ahead, we have two (funny, that number seems to be a theme) big announcements for July, one happy and one sad, both symbolic of new beginnings we want to share.
First, the sad.
It is with heavy hearts that we make this announcement. On July 8, our good friend and social media master, Brian Truax, will be leaving the Black Sheep crew. It’s been an incredible journey having Brian on board, and we’ll forever be grateful for his contributions to the evolution of our agency. He helped expand our digital marketing department in countless ways, and has left an indelible mark on our little Black Sheep hearts. We’ll no doubt be keeping in close contact with Brian, his talents are undeniable, and his bear hugs unavoidable. We wish him the best of luck in his new endeavors!
On that note, we have big shoes to fill. Yep, that’s right, Black Sheep is hiring! If you know someone with a rebellious spirit, big brains and an insatiable appetite for all things digital and social media, please nudge them along in our direction.
And now the happy.
We have a new stainless steel roommate moving into the office. Happy birthday, us! In late July, a 24-foot, 1961 Airstream trailer will be permanently parking itself in Studio 105 at Spring Street. And shortly after, we’ll be announcing our Airsteam Affair, a picnic-style party in the twilight to mark our second anniversary and the official grand opening of our new office space.
After all, we couldn’t mark those two years off the calendar without the love and support of our clients, friends and family – that is, YOU.
We try to seize every opportunity to thank all of the people who have helped get us to this exciting point – those who have flattered us with referrals, repeat business, event attendance, blog comments (hint, hint), social media support and shoulders to lean on. We dedicate this momentous occasion to you, and we look forward to high-fiving you at the party. Be on the lookout for details coming soon!