

The SADDYs – Honoring the ADDYs in our own way.

How much do awards really matter? It depends on who you ask, really. On one hand, for an agency an award can mean a vote of confidence. For a potential client unfamiliar with the landscape of the industry, it’s a credible endorsement. For us, it means winning. And winning means…Celebrating.

We recently entered the ADDYS, and guess what? WE WON! (Insert loud applause here.) But when it came time to pay for a table at the awards banquet, after already paying to enter the contest, we decided to take the award and run. We talked it over with our friends and fellow award winners at Culture Pilot and decided to throw our own party instead. One that’s just a little bit [cheaper and] more our style: the SADDYS.

Disclaimer: We’re not trying to take the place of the ADDYs. If you won an award and you’re planning to go collect, stop by on the way! And if you’re opting out because the dinner tickets are a bit pricey, come spend your Saturday night with us. We’ll be drinking cheap beer, eating burgers and donating our raffle ticket earnings to charity.

Here’s to winning. (All of the time.)

The Black Sheep Agency
