COFFEE! Go get a #High5 to celebrate National Coffee Day
Coffee is lifeblood. Hell, coffee is LIFE. As we celebrate National Coffee Day tomorrow, we wanted to think beyond a mid-morning pick-me-up and to another aspect of the dark, earthy nectar-of-the-gods: How coffee is shorthand for having an important conversation.
The deepest, most interesting things we say to each other often come between sips of java while sitting across from someone we care about, admire or want to understand. Coffee chats change minds, they influence opinions and they spark movements, all starting with a cup o’Joe and a listening ear.
In celebration of this and of National Coffee Day on September 29th, we’re giving away our special “Give a damn” T-shirts to those who stop into some of our favorite local shops and buy a coffee today. We dropped off five shirts at each of these great places:
As if you needed an excuse to get good coffee.