Connect, Collaborate, and Co-create Solutions for Your Organization
Modern life is a push-and-pull between short days and big goals—with more things on our to-do list that can ever be accomplished during a single rotation of the Earth. And for most clients we work with, their vision is huge. These people are out there, pounding the pavement, trying to make the world a better place. BUT, with limited resources (think money, time, and people to move the cause forward), their big visions can get further and further out of reach. It isn’t just nonprofits that struggle with this. Small teams, entrepreneurs—heck, everyone is fighting the giant with slingshots and rocks.
But maybe they don’t have to fight so hard. Maybe there’s an army right under their nose. Maybe, just maybe, there’s a way to do more with what they already have.
Oh wait—there is: Capacity building.
Not just cool business jargon, capacity building is the powerful process of finding ways to increase your reach, your efforts and your IMPACT without actually increasing your bottom line.
So, how do you build capacity, make one mile stretch to 100, one minute turn to three days and have one voice amplify to millions? Like this:
- Don’t sell yourself short.
Harness the power of those who love your organization and channel it into action. It isn’t just the people on your payroll that are your megaphones—empower every person that touches your organization with the tools to spread your message. We don’t just mean with social sharing (but YES, that too!): Emails, in-person conversations and other touch points work, too. And don’t be afraid to be transparent with your members, volunteers and partners. Tell them exactly what your needs are and how they can help to amplify those needs. - Be collaborative.
Everything’s better with friends. Collaborating with partner organizations can solve challenges or problems for the communities you serve, ones that either organization alone might not be as equipped to solve. Plus, it’s much more fun and exciting to harness the creativity and gumption of others doing good in the world. Collaboration frees up your time to focus on what you’re best at and gives your community a powerful resource, one that has the power of many behind it. - Think ahead.
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Ok, fine—we won’t get all Tony Robbins on you with motivational quotes, but we will back this 100% legit idea. If you’re going to build capacity, you’ve gotta be strategic. That means creating a three-month plan that includes how you’re going to mobilize your ambassador army and how you’re going to leverage partner relationships. A plan will help you know when you need to start that newsletter content you want them to share, when you need to plan that happy hour to benefit your major program and when you need to make that call to a VIP.
So, what’s next? TBD. Yep. That’s a big fat, “To be determined,” because, well, you’re about to determine it. Jot down your next steps and get to steppin’. Get started, get out there and get that capacity built.