Copywriting: not just for prose
No, we’ve never written a whole press release in rhyme
But that doesn’t mean that we don’t look to poetry from time
To time for some inspiration and a creative point of view
There’s lots to learn from Keats to Poe, and now we’re telling you.
e.e. cummings
defying conventional orthography (a style
we might not adopt but think of
there is much to learn from eschewing
and expectations
a world without periods and capital letters
but howCopywriting: not just for prose
John Keats
Our appetite for drama, shock and awe
And language, as though bursting at the seams
This paper, not containing lines we draw
Instead we would need warehouses of reams
Oft thinking of this man who wrote in Ode
With imagery and sensory abound
We can only strive to be so bold
That messages are heard the world around.
Edgar Allan Poe
On a many midnight dreary, though we’re rarely weak and weary
Over the excitement of what the next day might have in store,
We often plotted, still night-capping, other milestones for lapping
Remembering those days of rapping, rapping on the trade show floor
And like the raven of Poe’s story, mystery is at our core
There is always something more.
Sylvia Plath
Using the world to tell a tale
So scientific and simplistic
Her metaphors were chilling
As she opened up her soul
Perhaps we should too unclutter
To make audiences think
Black Sheep in a field alone
Their wool unlike the rest
These are just a few of the poets we adore
Don’t worry there are others that we dare not ignore
But if you have suggestions or thoughts you’d like to share
Please do so in the comments – and do so with some flair!