Get Your Ass To The Polls: November 3rd is the Day to #VoteHOU
This is it. You have ONE SHOT. Like Frodo throwing the ring into Mount Doom (don’t hate. It’s a classic.), you have one opportunity to do right for all of Houston/humanity and toss that ballot in that box. Voting is a hard-earned right—something that gives you the ability to use your brain and your heart to choose a path for your community. YOU get to stand in that booth, alone, and select what matters to you, having your voice heard by your government.
Isn’t that something? We love to be engaged in our city and what the future has in store for all of us. As a woman-owned, 99% female agency and as a group of citizens concerned with what’s best for our city, we are voting YES ON PROP 1. This is an issue that affects the future of Houston with the ability to offer protection to 15 classes of citizens in our city from discrimination. This ordinance is about what Houston is at its core—a place where people from all races, genders, ethnicities, sexual orientations and nationalities can come together and thrive—and there’s a lot more that bathrooms at stake. Actually, bathrooms have nothing to do with this—THANKYOUVERYMUCH.
There is simply too much at stake to stay chained to your desk and let election day pass you by. Get up, get out and get voting. For your neighbors. For Houston. For yourself.
Not sure what’s on the ballot? Here are some links to get you started:
A special thanks to Nicky Davis and KPFT for the mural artwork, and January Advisors and The League of Women Voters Houston for your partnership on the #VoteHOU GOTV campaign.