
Getting The Mob Done: 6 Reasons Flash Mobs Work

Let’s pretend for a moment, that you’re walking down the street… maybe you’re downtown, and you want to go buy a sandwich for lunch. And then, with no notice, you hear Party in the USA blaring from behind. You tell yourself it’s probably just a high school concert, and you keep going – you’re hungry! Then, all of a sudden, you hear gasps! You see crowds forming! You turn around to find 200 people dancing in formation. In street clothes! What the heck is going on? Forget that turkey-bacon club…this is entertainment at its best, and you can’t wait to see what happens next.

You’ve just witnessed a flash mob.

A flash mob is a large group of people who assemble suddenly, perform a random act (like a song or dance) and then disperse. The point is to get attention, raise awareness and most of all, be remembered.

Oh, wait. That’s what you try to achieve with your marketing campaign.

Maybe it’s time to take this crazy trend and put it to good use. Here’s why:

  1. The element of surprise. Nothing gets people to pay attention more than when they’re caught off-guard – they can’t help it! A flash mob is exciting and hard to miss, and passersby won’t hesitate to stop and stare. Kind of like when Snooki is doing… well, anything.
  2. The viral effect. People that witness a flash mob are not going to keep quiet about it. They’ll tell their co-workers, their friends, their family… and they’ll keep telling it for a long time because the experience is unique and impactful. People will talk about it on Twitter and Facebook, they’ll post pictures online and videos on YouTube, and before you know it, your message will have spread faster than celebrity gossip.
  3. Media attraction. With a subtle heads-up, the media will be there to catch all the action. People love to hear fun, light-hearted stories about their neighborhood, and the media can’t resist. Flash mobs provide an opportunity to get a post-stunt interview and to get noticed on TV, radio and in local (maybe even national) publications.
  4. Creativity points. We always say that using unconventional, progressive marketing tactics showcases your company’s willingness to do the same with your product or service. Inspire your customers with your sense of adventure, and they’ll look view your business as forward-thinking and innovative.
  5. New audiences. With all the attention you’ll receive from media, on-lookers, gossipers and social media-lites, there’s no doubt you’ll reach tons of new potential customers and supporters. And with this kind of introduction, you are sure to remain top-of-mind.
  6. Gone but not forgotten. If you witness a flash mob, you’re not about to forget it. And if you hear about it, you won’t either. It’s a compelling story to tell again and again, and while other companies may rely on over-looked ad placements, you will have made your mark forever.

There’s no doubt about it, you’ll get attention. You’ll get some press. And above all, you’ll get street cred.

We can’t tell you when, and we can’t tell you where, but the Sheep will be assembling soon! Expect the unexpected.
