

Marketers love to leverage holidays—both legit and invented—to generate content and create brand opportunities, and you can see that in the variety of strange holidays that have been created (mostly by marketers, we’d guess). There’s Take Your Plants for a Walk Day, Talk Like a Pirate Day, Hug a Sheep Day and Peculiar People Day, to name a few.

But why stop there? Let’s all jump on the bandwagon and make up our own holiday!

Believe it or not, someone beat us to that one. Today is actually Make Up Your Own Holiday Day. And since we’re marketers, we decided WHAT THE HELL—let’s do this. But since we’re also cause-driven, impact-motivated marketers, we decided to do something a little more meaningful.

We decided to make today about caring and giving and even submitted a proclamation to the City of Houston. We asked the City to proclaim today, Saturday, March 26th, 2016, “Give A Damn Day.”

And they said “NOPE”.*  Something about “legal concerns.”

It isn’t going to stop us. We’re still proclaiming today Give a Damn Day, and we’re still celebrating by relaunching our GIVE Murals with local artist Nicky Davis. And we’re still asking you to join us in acknowledging this because-we-said-so-it’s-official Day.

Why? Because Houston is full of passionate, enthusiastic supporters of causes we can all believe in. And, we think it’s time to give them a day to rally behind—to celebrate and further inspire our communities to Give a Damn about this city, the causes that matter and the things they are passionate about.

Instead of a day to talk like a pirate, or toot your own horn, let’s make today a day to declare our allegiance to doing good in Houston. To reach out to people and organizations that you admire. To act and to rally around Houston’s most pressing issues. To get off your ass and solve some problems.

Today—on [super official] Give a Damn Day (and every day), we challenge you to think about a meaningful way you can contribute to your community and stand up for something you’re passionate about.

Tell us: what will you do that matters?

Keep up with the conversation using #GiveHou

