Here's to All Women
Women’s History Month might be coming to a close, but we’ll be celebrating women all year long.
As an agency, we’ve made a commitment to listen to the stories of all women. To share the journeys of every single woman and honor them. We’re constantly striving towards inclusivity, and are always learning. That’s why we stopped using the term womxn after previously adopting its use.
With time comes evolution. With learning comes having conversations and knowing the people who are most impacted by social injustices and left out of the most important conversations. And having those conversations means that we maintain respect and change our ways. We initially used womxn to be inclusive of trans women. But we learned, over time, that not only does the term exclude certain groups of women—it also leaves people with the idea (especially those who have never heard the term before) that womxn are different than women. That they aren’t synonymous. When they are one in the same.
“Brandeis University sociologist Keridwen Luis states that feminists have experimented for decades to devise a suitable alternative for the term identifying the female gender. Such terms have included "wimmin" (in the 1990s), based upon the original Old English term, and "womyn" (since at least 1975).”
Womxn first showed up in the 70s, when the anti-patriarchy movement had arose. The idea was to get rid of the connection of “man” in the spelling of “woman.” Over time, it then turned into a term used to include Black and trans women, particularly during discussions of women’s justice. In 2010, a trend started, and organizations and people began using womxn as a shout from the rooftop that, “We’re feminists! BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ womxn are welcome here!” The issue? There were a bunch of so-called (cis-gendered!) feminists out there who still needed to be educated about the nuances of the word, and simply used the term to show off their “progressive” identity. Women, womxn and womyn all insinuate varied beliefs. This lovely Girlboss overview (read: inclusivity guide) breaks down the nuances:
“While they may both appear innocuous, each has a different meaning. Generally, womxn is used by people who consider themselves progressive, and are well-intentioned—if not sometimes misguided—in their inclusivity.
Womyn, on the other hand, has become an anti-trans term used by radical “feminists” who incorrectly believe that trans inclusivity invalidates their plight. Their view of gender (that gender = genitals at birth) is reductive and harmful.
No thanks.”
So while some women are very much empowered by using womxn to express who they are, the term is particularly problematic for trans women who should be referred to as who they are—women.
This month and every single day is about being the best allies we can be to trans women, BIPOC women, AAPI women, disabled and able-bodied women and, well, all women. With a majority-female team here at the agency, we strive to be the best women we can be for our sisters. And as an agency, we must act with intention, hold conversations and ask for consent before implying labels and definitions and assuming who others are.
Ask. Listen. Evolve. Progress. Live in the change. Today and everyday. Here’s to Women’s History Month.