
Ladies and Gentlemen: Your Marketing Has Left The Building

It’s no secret that Black Sheep loves going to concerts. There’s nothing better than great live music (and perhaps a cocktail), so if you’re looking for us, you know where we’ll be. But, for all the perfection, there’s one concert tradition that we simply can’t stand.

The encore.

We’re not sure why the practice even exists. After wasting way too much time searching online, the best clue we could find was an un-cited entry on Wikipedia that suggests encores are expected by bands and audiences alike, and that songs played during this time are usually included in the set list. Duh. Of course, our problem with encores is not the extra playing time (we love that!). Answer us this: Why are we led to believe that if we applaud enough, the performer will, out of the kindness of his/her heart, play some more – when in fact, we know that unless we throw tomatoes, they’re coming back? According to the World Wide Web, there’s no foundation for this charade in the first place, so why continue to perpetuate a myth?

Enough with the fake bit, already! If you want to walk off of the stage and take a round of Tequila shots, just say so.

And, everybody knows that if you give a Black Sheep a real-world scenario, they’re probably going to find a marketing analogy to go with it.

This is the perfect example of doing something for no good reason just because it’s always been done that way – the kind of overused protocol that is either irrelevant, pointless or downright inhibiting, especially when it comes to publicity. Like fax machines. So, think about everything you’re doing to build awareness for your brand and make sure it serves some kind of purpose. And that it’s transparent. And that it’s awesome. If not, do one of the following:

Lose it. Elvis never did an encore, and that’s why the famous phrase “Elvis has left the building” became ubiquitous. And if The King can challenge social norms, then so can you. Whether it’s your expensive ad purchases in the back of an antiquated magazine, your cheesy tagline or a misguided media plan, if it’s not bringing you any value, forget about it.

Improve it. We saw Local Natives and The National recently, and even though they stuck to the encore tradition, it wasn’t exactly tried and true. Local Natives pulled people up on stage (seemingly out of nowhere) for a final collaborative ensemble with tons of instruments and energy, and The National, conversely, put down their instruments and sang a capella, almost like a choir. You too can take a typical press release, branding campaign or publicity effort one step further by adding an unexpected element. Maybe it’s social media grassroots outreach or a flash mob in the park – whatever you decide, make it something your audience will never forget.

Replace it. If you’ve ever been to a Girl Talk concert, you know formality is thrown right out of the frantic, delirious windows. Instead of making the final song(s) the climactic moment, Girl Talk forgoes the tradition and gets people up on stage immediately. If you’ve ever been lucky enough to make it this far, you know you’ll never be more thrilled to watch somebody mess around on a laptop. Seriously, he doesn’t even play an instrument. And this goes to show, you don’t have to do things the traditional way to make an impact.

So, if you’re feeling tied down by useless conventions, free yourself! Your business will thank you, and your audience is sure to give a round of applause (no encore necessary). And, music history buffs, if you know more about why we have encores in general, feel free to inform us.
