
Texas: The State of Our State

As told by Black Sheep

Texas is a complicated place to call home—a prevailing feeling most of the year but one felt with particular frustration and anxiety over the last week. Following a 2021 state legislative session that included 76 anti-LBGTQIA+ bills, Texas Governor Greg Abbott told state health agencies on Wednesday that medical treatments provided to trans teens, considered to be standard care in gender-affirming medicine, should be classified as “child abuse” under existing state law.


This statement from the Governor has no bearing on the legality of providing comprehensive healthcare for trans adolescents and was met with a resounding denouncement from many county and district attorneys, as well as school administrations across the state, but has still created panic for families of trans youth. Now, families are concerned about not only obtaining gender-affirming care for their children but the potential backlash for doing so, with some families even taking steps to flee the state in anticipation of stricter laws or more oppressive legislation to come.


At Black Sheep, we are invested in a workplace, and world, that reflects diversity, equity and inclusion. Over the past year, we've watched as our coworker and friend, Katie Laird, has continually challenged these violent and bigoted acts—with her House testimony this past fall and continued activism into this spring. We’ve closely been tracking and addressing the state’s attempts to attack trans kids and their families, not only because it’s a cause close to our hearts, but also because if there’s anything that Texans believe, it’s sticking up for other Texans.


Our state is made better by its richly diverse population and the division at the heart of this rhetoric only serves to prove how antithetically Texan these acts are. As Texans, honorary or self-appointed, we welcome folks to the table. We are not afraid and resentful of a challenge and we see our state as ever-evolving, in the name of progress and adventure. This state belongs to trans Texans, too.


As such, we wanted to bring attention to the organizations dedicated to protecting and uplifting the Texas trans community and encourage you to give your time, energy or financial contributions as they continue this work.


Equality Texas

With lobbying and advocacy initiatives, Equality Texas “works to secure full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Texans through education, community organizing, and collaboration.” Learn more about their mission here and donate today.


Transgender Education Network of Texas (TENT)

Education, advocacy and empowerment serves as the core tenants for TENT. Trans justice can’t wait, so get involved today.


ACLU of Texas

The ACLU of Texas has a track record of protecting the civil rights and civil liberties all Texans and vowed to do the same for trans youth seeking healthcare, announcing Tuesday night that they plan to sue the state in response to the reports of families being investigated.

As for Black Sheep’s contribution, we chose to donate directly to Equality Texas as they lobby and organize on behalf of Texas kids. As always, we appreciate our larger community and our efforts to band together in need. Texas forever.

The Black Sheep
