Stand Out! 3 Ways to Build an Unexpected Brand
We adore the unexpected. We’re not talking about unpleasant surprises like getting an eyeful of your cousin (or anyone for that matter) streaking or hitting a pothole that sloshes lawsuit-hot coffee over ¾ of your body. Ouch. Yes, those experiences are unexpected, but they are also pointless and physiologically and/or physically damaging.
No, we love the unexpected that springs from smart strategies, the kind of strategies that get people thinking and customers to remember you even from the earliest stages of your business. We also love scouring the web and learning from others who we think get it right. And recently, we found several businesses that use the unexpected with panache, from initial branding to innovative brainstorming to successful campaigns. Ok, here comes the only predictable part: You can expect to be impressed.
What’s in a Name?: SmartBear Software
Ok, you’ve got us. With a name like Black Sheep, it is easy to guess we believe branding sets the tone for a company’s identity. Well, you’re correct, and we think a small software company, SmartBear, provides a perfect example. In an industry full of professional sounding (read: predictable) companies like IBM, CA, BEA, CSC and HP, SmartBear Software… well, for starters, their name was made of real words. Instead of blending in and bending to traditional pressure, SmartBear chose a whimsical name that suggests creativity and humanity behind its innovative product. A software company named after a piece of literature? Now that’s unexpected. The rest of the story? Success! Despite whatever those “industry experts” were preaching. For your business, pick a name with personal meaning, not just one that follows industry “rules.” Oh, and for the love of sheep, please don’t include the word “solutions.” Shiver.
Invaluable Intangibles: Ideathon from Modern Climate
You’ve got the name, now what? That’s right. You need ideas. You know, those intangible, but invaluable sparks of inspiration? Without them, a company cannot light the fire (see what we did there?) that they need to spread the word on their new product or service. So many people downplay this part of the process. But not Modern Climate. For a week they gave ideas away for free to help their fellow business people who were stuck in an idealess slump. They not only came up with a unique, thoughtful and creative way to give back last holiday season, but they also highlighted the inherent value of ideas. The Ideathon proved that ideas are the tipping point between silence and action. And we like the way they think. Make sure to take the time to brainstorm and give ideas their due. They are the key to the process, not an afterthought.
Zig instead of Zag: I hate Steven Singer Campaign
Meet Steven Singer. Lots of people “hate” him. Why? Well, not just because he owns a jewelry store. Nope, he earns the hatred of women with his marketing campaign. He chose not only to market to men but more specifically to men who want to buy necklaces and bracelets to placate their engagement ring-hungry girlfriends. His willingness to go against the grain and grab peoples' attention with his unexpected and controversial tactics is brilliant. Come on, a jewelry store that markets against engagement rings? Without this angle, we don't think he would have nearly as much success. He found a way to make a name for himself in his local market made up of competitors who’ve been in the business for generations. If you are in a crowded market, make sure to highlight your strengths that make you different from the average (Smart) Bear.
Remember, there is good unexpected and bad unexpected. Good unexpected accentuates your company in a crowded and established industry. And bad unexpected? Well, we don’t want to reawaken those images of your cousin. Oops, too late? Just remember picking a name with personality, taking time for innovative brainstorming and developing an off the wall campaign are just three ways to avoid the predictable and dull.