Take Action
On Saturday, we woke up in a world where the President of the United States put a curb on immigration by signing an order calling for a ban barring travel to the United States from seven Muslim-majority countries.
On Sunday, we went to sleep in a world where people weren’t having it—where people in the United States rushed to the airports around the country to protest the ban. Where millions of dollars from around the world were donated to the likes of the ACLU and CAIR. Where thousands of lawyers descended upon protestor-filled airports to help fight the ban. And where millions of people took to social media to share their heartbreak and outrage and provide solutions for how we move forward from here.
This morning I woke up filled with trepidation, wondering how we, as a people, move forward into such uncharted territory. As grief dictates, we usually begin with denial. Denial that we couldn’t possibly be living in such a time as this. Denial that the most basic of human rights could be so arbitrarily cast down upon. But this morning, the denial phase is behind me and has instead been replaced with hope and inspiration. The phase where we rally together to say, “All are welcome,” and as Angela Blanchard, CEO of Neighborhood Centers says, “We have more than enough to go around.” Because the fact is, our country wouldn’t be what it is today without immigrants. And we are all in this together. Together in our cities. In our states. In our countries. On this planet. This shared humanity.
So we must shake this disbelief and come together as a people. Let us engage civilly and with respect. Let us remember that this isn’t a left or right issue, but a human issue, and we all hold the power to make a difference.
So I leave you with this—before you go to sleep tonight, take action today in one of the three ways below:
- Donate to a cause, a nonprofit, a local organization—someone who can take what you’re able to give and make it go farther for you.
- Write a letter or pick up the phone. Or hell, do both! Click here to find the contact information for your representatives and speak your mind. If you operate better with a script, use this one.
- Come together with your fellow man/woman and protest, peacefully.
And tonight, as you go to sleep, as today’s rhetoric echoes around in your head and the uncertainty of what tomorrow might bring floats before your eyes, “do not go gentle into that good night.” We as Americans have always been stronger when we are together and that will not change in the coming hours, days, weeks, months or years.
I’m proud to work with a team that shares these views. This morning, I shared my thoughts with them and as a result, we jumped into action and put together this action resource guide today—and will continue to build it out as we come across new opportunities. We also invite you to join our ambassador team, a group we call on when critical issues arise or worthwhile causes need support. Chances are, we’re fighting for something you care about. Take a look.