The DC Diaries: Dispatches From Aimee
Part I: The Presentation
This series of posts about our work in the nation’s capital is from none other than the leader of the flock herself, Aimee Woodall.
As some of you may have noticed, I’ve been ping-ponging back and forth to DC since early February for a number of projects which shall remain somewhat anonymous, much to my dismay and overwhelming excitement. But this latest project is a little different—and it involves my whole team. The Black Sheep Agency, with the support of some of our closest creative friends, has been working on a project with Civic Nation, in conjunction with the White House and the office of the First Lady.
You see, America used to be number one in the world for college graduates. Now we’re not. We have lots of smart, enthusiastic young people, but many of them aren’t attending or graduating from college. Seventy-five percent of high school seniors are accepted into their first-choice college, but less than 57 percent actually attend. Why? Many don’t feel they can afford it and don’t know about the resources that exist to help them pay for school.
Even worse, some don’t see the value of higher education in the first place, worried that their time invested in college won’t be worthwhile. This scared us—and inspired us, too. Marketing is more than just pretty pictures and powerful words: It’s the ability to make a difference in people’s lives by helping them find things worth looking for.
But there’s an opportunity to get America back on top. Gen-Z, the largest, smartest and most connected generation in America’s history is among us—and the change they’re bringing with them is HUGE. We knew we had to get involved, so we embarked on a journey with friends and close collaborators. Eight weeks later, we found ourselves in the FLOTUS office, presenting our work.
While we can’t yet reveal the full details of the project or the creative outcomes, we did have one heck of a time in DC last week. We’re excited about what will come of our efforts and this partnership in the coming year will do for the future of higher education in America. Last week—and the past 10 weeks—have been a whirlwind, but when America calls, we answer. Some of the behind-the-scenes of this grand adventure is chronicled below!
*Shout out to the close creative friends we worked with on this project: Chris Valdez, Primer Grey; David Saxe, Ell Creative; Tim DeSilva, CulturePilot; Roby Fitzhenry, Always Creative; Tyler Swanner, The Office of Tyler Swanner; Henry Ngo, Primer Grey; Thomas Watts, Ell Creative; Jack Wang, Ell Creative; Jeff Reichman, January Advisors