
We Woke Up Like This: Tweetless

She woke up (FLAWLESS). She released a new video (FLAWLESS). She posted on Instagram (FLAWLESS). Her diamond? FLAWLESS. That diamond? FLAWLESS. Her Twitter—*RECORD SCRATCH*—no tweets. Never any tweets. Eight tweets total.

How is that possible? Arguably the top female recording artist/superstar/#lifegoals inspiration in the world, Beyonce snaps a photo for Instagram and 56 million people trip over themselves to heart it. She releases a new surprise video and that’s all the Internet can talk about. And, yet, she doesn’t tweet. At all.

Why is she ignoring Twitter? Clearly, we’re not the only folks who noticed.

Before The Beygency comes to haul us off, we’d love to explore this: Why would a superstar, with tens of millions of followers on a platform not use that platform for major releases? Let’s find out together.

You’ve gotta cover your bases.

As an uber famous person, Beyonce needs to grab all of her digital real estate before trolls, spammers or squatters take over. That’s just common sense. When a new platform opens up, there’s a land grab for celebrity names and brand handles—her social team has to snap up everything before someone else gets to it first. This probably means getting properties on platforms they might not know how to use yet or that they might never use. No shame in that game.

Clutter is clutter, no matter how famous you are.

So Bey’s social team grabs every handle that is associated with her as soon as platforms go live. That has to be a lot to keep up with. Even with a robust team to manage each profile, things can get a bit unruly or worse, become some sort of canned, robot-posted nightmare that makes every good brand manager cringe. That’s clutter and it has no place in a social plan. You have to use your channels in a way that speaks to the quirks and the features of that platform. AND you have to be authentic on those channels (more on that in a minute), which is impossible if you’re on five skabillion platforms at once.

You do you. And let Bey do Bey.

Remember when we mentioned authenticity? Go look at Beyonce’s Instagram. Compelling stuff, right? It tells a story. It shows off her life, her art and HER. It’s authentic (save for the Photoshop kerfuffle) and it’s consistent—exactly what you want with a social profile. Her presence uses what’s great about Instagram (the visuals) and then plays directly to that. You can tell that she (or whoever is running this channel) loves the platform and is trying to find ways to better connect with fans there. In a word, FLAWLESS. She is herself on there and people enjoy engaging with that content.

So maybe that’s why she’s ignoring Twitter. Not because she forgot about it. Not because Twitter doesn’t matter, but because she’s got surprise videos to release and a world to run. (Who run the world? Girls! Girls! Plus Channing Tatum in drag, obvs.)
