Women’s March
Two steps forward, not one step back. In our own city, we marched. In Portland, we marched. In the heart of our nation’s capital, we marched. We should not have to do this still, but we will.
We, alongside millions of global citizens across the U.S. and in other countries, marched for each other. It was the march heard ’round the world. We made our voices heard because we cannot have impact without work or without each other. We believe in equal rights. We believe in approaching our differences with love, empathy, compassion, strength and hope. But, most of all, we believe in the power that we the people can have. Standing on the shoulders of the women that have marched before us and guided by the impact we will have on the women that come after us, we have proven that we can and will unite.
And it doesn’t stop here. We march on. Every day, we can take actions to continue what we’ve started. Let’s ensure that when we march in the future, we’re not marching about this again.
Whether it’s in your local community, through one-on-one conversations or national outreach—the work has just started. We’ve compiled a few ways to take the next step here and we’ll continue to update this list regularly. So, tell us… what will you do next?
- Women’s March 10 Actions for the First 100 Days
- United States of Women Week of Action
- The ACLU Demand for documents
Comment with the action outlets you’ve found and we’ll keep a curated list here.