
Attitude of Gratitude: A Blueprint for Success + Happiness

“The absence of disease is not health. Here’s how we get to health: We need to reverse the formula for happiness and success.”Shawn Achor, TEDxBloomington

I had a lot to be grateful for in 2017: Health, relationships, a beautiful baby boy, a comfortable home and a thriving business. And yet, 2017 was one of the most stressful, anxiety-inducing years of my life. 

Hurricanes, daily business-owner struggles, travel, national and international strife, people leaving, people moving, people getting sick, things changing—all the things seemed to be happening all of the time. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of really, really GOOD things happened, too, but the human mind likes to careen toward what challenges us and 2017 really challenged me. Hard. 

I decided that 2018 was going to be the year of reclaiming—my time, my focus and even my attitude toward struggle. The biggest way I know to get there is by starting a daily dedication to gratitude, so for my Sheepspo this week that is exactly what I’m kicking off. 

The idea is based on a TEDxBloomington speaker, Shawn Achor, who did a hilarious and insightful talk about the intersection of health, happiness, success and gratitude. Take a look. You’ll be grateful you did. 

To start this practice off right, here’s one of the things I’m grateful for today: I’m grateful for my friend Karen Walrond for sharing this with me. It started something. Now it’s your turn. What three things are you grateful for today? 

Aimee Woodall
